How do Tablets make Training Easier Today?

Laptops and Desktop computers could soon be a thing of the past, considering the alarming rate at which tablet PCs are emerging as the preferred computing device. Android tablets offer most of the features of a laptop and additionally provides the ability to make voice calls or send text messages. Moreover, it is easy to carry this gadget along with you while traveling or in a business meeting, which is why more and more people are choosing them over other devices.

Ironically, when Microsoft and Apple floated the idea of a portable computing device, critics dismissed the idea as a useless innovation. However, the launch of Apple’s iconic iPad device took the market by storm, and the market has witnessed a constant rise in its demand ever since. In fact, the latest market figures suggest that while the total sale volumes of personal computers are on the decline, there has been a record growth in the sales of android tablets sale PCs.

Mobile Computing Device 

Over the years, this mobile computing device has evolved to become what it is today. The first generation of Apple iPad was a 10 inch device, as the makers believed that people would be more inclined towards using a large screen. However, with time, it was observed that a 7 inch tablet PC is more likely to attract customers as it is easier to hold and operate. The launch of Apple iPad Mini and other devices is a testimony to this fact.tails


Useful Apps Support the Devices Running on Android 

Although Apple is still the pioneer in this field, Google’s Android technological devices are gradually gaining momentum. Several handset manufacturers like Samsung, LG, and HTC have launched their own devices that run on the Android platform. The biggest advantage that Android has over Apple is that it is licensed as an open-source product and has several developers creating useful apps to support the devices running on Android. Android tablets holds so much promise that even traditional PC manufacturers like Acer, Dell and Lenovo have entered the market to launch their devices.

Superior Processing Speed of About 2.4 GHz 

Apart from the screen-size, there are several other features that set this gadget apart. Latest devices provide a superior processing speed of about 2.4 GHz through quad-core processors. This makes it easy to handle multiple applications simultaneously, and also creates a huge potential to be used as a gaming device. Most devices provide a storage space up to 16GB, which is quite a lot even after considering the volume of work done with it. Moreover, with cloud storage services providing ample space and apps to access files from the mobile, it is the best time to invest in an android tablet for your computing needs.

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